
Our school encourages parents to take an active role in their child’s education in a variety of ways, including formal and informal discussions of children’s progress, participation in class programmes, plus excursions and camps, being members of the school council and community relations committee and by maintaining contact in a variety of media.

Parents are encouraged to engage, and create a genuine and shared learning community, by assisting the school in whatever way they can. Parents contribute by, for example:

  • Reading to the children in class or otherwise assisting with the literacy program
  • Assisting with maths tasks, or being mentors for children working on particular tasks or developing particular skills
  • Helping out in the library
  • Contributing articles on school events and activities to local newspapers and to the website
  • Providing support at camps, excursions and sporting events
  • Contributing ICT training or knowledge
  • Assisting with writing applications for grants
  • Contributing graphic design to school pamphlets, advertisements and the year book
  • Providing a plate or assisting with catering at school events or fundraising activities
  • Gardening or contributing at working bees.

Note that all volunteers now legally require a ‘Working with Children Check’ to assist within the school or on excursions.